LambdaAccessDenied error in AWS Load Balancer – Solution

Permission handling in ELB and Lambda is somewhat magical, some of the tools autoprovision permissions behind the scene, and some of them sometimes mess up.

I had a Lambda that I was invoking from a load balancer and it simply did not work. The only hint was “LambdaAccessDenied” in the ALB logs.

I had everything configured correctly. I have added a lambda permission for the entire service to invoke my function. I had the proper target groups. I had even enabled AWS SAM to autoprovision the IAM roles. The Lambda function was firing correctly, I had logs to show that it was executing.

But I kept getting “502 Bad Gateway” from the load balancer and the logs kept showing LambdaAccessDenied.

I removed all the custom stuff I created. I removed the alias. I removed and re provisioned the entire lambda function. I removed and recreated the target group.

Eventually I removed the target group and the permission I created,
and provisioned an “Application Load Balancer” Trigger from the Lambda console. This created a new target group and a new resource-based policy under Permissions, and suddenly everything started working, even though the new entries looked exactly the same as the entries I created.

Since there are only five entries on Google that even mention this error message, I figured you might want to save some time and learn from my experience.

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